Photo credit / ImageAuCarre
The Circle of Serbian Sisters is a female cultural enlightenment and patriotic society founded on August 28, 1903 in Belgrade, Serbia. The Montreal Circle of Serbian Sisters was founded in 1930.
The mission of the Circle of Serbian Sisters is to raise awareness amongst women for a common life through humanity, with the main goal of spreading goodness and nobility. The work of the Serbian Sisters is on a altruistic voluntary basis, which makes this association unique. The goals of the Circle of Serbian Sisters are to support all actions of the Holy Trinity Church-School Congregation’s sub-organizations (St. Sava School, Stevan Jorgovic Library, Milan Rakic Choir and “KUD Avala”), along with other humanitarian, cultural and educational activities, and finally the promotion of traditional Christian holidays.
We are promoting the mission of the Circle of Serbian Sisters so that you may find a little good will and join our group, that has unfortunately become much smaller over time. Membership in the Serbian Sisters is open to all women with a heartfelt desire to spread good will.
Membership in the Circle is an honor, as you will become part of a 100-year old tradition where you join hands with more than 30 000 predecessors, who selflessly gave their time and energy to comfort the suffering and heal the wounds of people, from the very beginning of the Circle to the present day.
Being a member of the Circle of Serbian Sisters means doing good to others, without expecting any compensation. The only reward is the feeling that you have helped people in a modest way, to maintain the Holy Church, so that we can have a place to light a candle, baptize, marry, and hold last rites for our loved ones.
The work of the Circle is based on the sacred principles of the Gospel and patriotism. Profession, education, age, residency, and social status are unimportant for membership in the group. The Circle would like to help the elderly, lonely, ill, poor, and refugees. Of course, we need help. Each new member can enrich our work with her efforts and ideas.
Photo credit / Jelena C. Sekara
According to the long-standing and established practice of the Sisters, every Sunday, we serve cakes, coffee and lunch, after the Holy Liturgy.
Photo credit / Jelena C. Sekara
We would like to thank all dear Sisters who, with their love, selflessness, and dedication contribute to the Serbian community in Montreal. We thank all of you who prepare and bring cakes for special events, such as celebrations of patron saints, different weekly duties, Serbian days, and our famous bake sales.
Photo credit / Jelena C. Sekara
We hope that you will continue contributing in the future, and that the Lord will reward all of you for this worthy and blessed commitment!