Photo credit / Jelena C. Sekara
Executive Board
The Executive Board is responsible for the work and prosperity of the Montreal Holy Trinity Serbian Church-School Congregation. The board is elected for a two-year term at the annual assembly and it is comprised of an elected executive and board members at large, as well as representatives from each of the major parish organizations.
The membership and Executive board meet monthly (usually on the last Tuesday of the month). At the beginning of each year, an annual assembly of all parishioners of the Montreal Holy Trinity Serbian church is held for board member elections, adoption of the budget and the presentation of annual reports.
- Vranić, Vladimir – Priest – svestenik@svetatrojica.ca
- Telebak, Mijo – President of the Holy Trinity Serbian Church-School Congregation – predsednik@svetatrojica.ca
- Škrga, Daniel – First Vice-President
- Todic, Zeljko – Second Vice-President
- Djogo, Ivana – Secretary; President of the Youth Committee – sekretar@svetatrojica.ca
- Vicentijevic, Milorad – Treasurer
- Arsic, Francoise – Accountant
Board Members
- Banicevic-Butorac, Mirjana – President of the Missionary Committee
- Bozic-Erkic, Mila – biblioteka@svetatrojica.ca / www.bibliotekamontreal.ca
- Dr Djekic-Ivankovic, Marija – President of the Cultural and Educational Board – skola@svetatrojica.ca
- Jotanovic, Dragomir
- Jovic, Jela – President of the cultural and artistic group “Avala” – uprava-avala@svetatrojica.ca
- Markovic, Branko
- Nakovski, Milos
- Petrovic, Elizabeta
- Popovic, Vlado – Chairman of the Building Committee
- Telebak, Branka
- Trailovic, Novica – Chairman of the Supervisory Board
- Zdjelaric, Milina – President of the “Mala Gospojina” Circle of Serbian Sisters