О нама

The Serbian community in Montreal is proud of its Library founded in 1963 from the book donations and financial help of Stevan Jorgovic’s parents. Since then, the Library shared the destiny of the Serbian church in Montreal and it continued to grow from generous donations. If interested, you can read more about the library’s history on the Library’s website.
Today the biggest donors to the Library are the National Library of Serbia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and the Serbs in the region. At the Republic of Serbia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Competition for 2018, the Library received financial assistance to improve the library’s collection. We have been receiving the book donations from our community as well. The Library has almost 3.000 books that are now searchable in our online catalogue from your homes.

Photo credit /  ImageAuCarre

When registering at the library a user is required to provide personal information by bringing a photo ID and proof of address. Membership is free. To enhance its collection, the library gratefully accepts donations and reserves the right to add to its collection only books that fit into a clearly defined development policy.

The library’s mission is to bring the Serbian language, history, science and culture, closer to the local community in order to motivate and inspire them to maintain their Serbian identity and cultural heritage.

Photo credit /  ImageAuCarre

Contact информације biblioteka@svetatrojica.ca

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